
A steep climb through the greenery introduces us to the heart of Spello, an ancient village rich in precious testimonies of a history that dates back to Roman times.
Three Augustan gates surround the town, all well preserved: Porta Venere with two towers, Porta Consolare, Porta Urbicale.
But the greatest treasure that Spello contains within its walls, so clean and characteristic that they make it the nativity scene of Umbria, are the wonderful frescoes by Pinturicchio that decorate the Baglioni Chapel, in the Church of S. Maria Maggiore.

The geographical position of Spello allows the vision of a splendid suggestive panorama that sweeps over the Umbrian plain from Perugia to Spoleto.

Of particular historical-architectural interest is the high hilly mountain area including two villages of medieval origin: Collepino and San Giovanni.
From Collepino a panoramic road crosses Mount Subasio, reaching the Hermitage of the Prisons of Assisi.